Friday, August 24, 2012

Pakistan Has Not Accounted On How Bin Laden Was Able To Stay Hidden For Years In Abbottabad

Ex-Envoy: Pakistan Must Account For Bin Laden -- Josh Rogin, The Cable/Foreign Policy

The Pakistani government must explain how Osama bin Laden was able to hide in Abbottabad for years and reveal who in Pakistan helped him, Pakistan's former Ambassador to Washington Husain Haqqani said Wednesday.

"It's Pakistan's responsibility to the world to say who did it," Haqqani told an audience at the Center for the National Interest, formerly known as the Nixon Center. "It doesn't have to be the government, it doesn't have to be the military, but whoever it is, we have to come clean on that, because that is the only way we will assure the rest of the world that Pakistan's government and Pakistan's state has its hands clean on this whole thing."

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Previous Post:
Pakistan Is Not A U.S. Ally

My Comment:
Here is an easy prediction .... Pakistan will never conduct a proper and thorough investigation on this case .... and the reason why is simple .... the guilty parties are the ones who run Pakistan.

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