Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sudan And South Sudan Reach An Agreement On Their Oil Dispute

Two Sudans Reach Deal on Fees for Oil Pipelines -- New York Times

NAIROBI, Kenya — Sudan and South Sudan have reached a deal on oil pipeline fees, a highly divisive issue that nearly drove the two countries to war this year, African Union officials announced Saturday.

After some not-so-subtle pressure from Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who visited Juba, the capital of South Sudan, on Friday, it seems the Southern Sudanese increased the amount they were willing to pay Sudan, which controls the pipelines for export. The conundrum the Sudans face is that both countries are extremely dependent on oil, but while the export pipelines run through the north, the bulk of the crude oil lies in the landlocked South, which seceded from Sudan last year after decades of guerrilla war.

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More News On Sudan And South Sudan Reaching An Oil Exportation Deal

Sudan, S.Sudan reach oil deal, exports await border deal -- Reuters
Sudan and South Sudan reach agreement over oil after tense eight-month dispute -- The Telegraph
Sudan and South Sudan reach 'understanding' over oil -- BBC
Sudan, South Sudan settle oil dispute -- CNN
Sudan and South Sudan reach deal on oil transit dispute -- L.A. Times
Sudan and South Sudan strike oil exportation deal -- Bloomberg Businessweek/AP
Hillary Clinton credited for pushing Sudan, South Sudan oil fee dispute resolution -- Miami Herald/McClatchy News

My Comment:
Will both sides honor the agreement .... and can they come to an agreement on borders .... those are the next big hurdles. But if I was a betting man .... and considering that the men who rule from Khartoum are wanted war criminals who have a history of breaking agreements .... my money is on this agreement being broken before the end of the year.

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