Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Gathering Storm In The U.S. Defense Establishment

The Gathering Storm -- Philip Ewing, DoD Buzz

“This may have been the week in which the full implications of today’s defense situation finally sunk in.”

So wrote your correspondent back in February, when the normal cadences of the congressional-Pentagon relationship were jangled by new budget uncertainty and the creeping sense of political isolation.

“I don’t sense a commitment from everyone here on the Hill” about undoing sequestration, Missouri Rep. Todd Akin said back then. Still, people looked ahead to the wide open 2012 calendar sprawling before them and thought, ah, we’ve got plenty of time to take care of this.

Read more ....

My Comment: I agree with this analysis. The U.S. defense establishment is going to go through some rough patches if sequestration goes through .... which appears to be the case right now.

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