Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Growing Chinese - Japanese Divide

Why Nationalism Is Driving China And Japan Apart -- James Manicom, The Diplomat

After an extended period of calm, leaders in Tokyo and Beijing are again allowing their relations to be dictated by domestic politics.

Nationalism once again threatens to undermine the relative calm in the China-Japan relationship that has prevailed since the 2010 Senkaku crisis.

Although Chinese leaders are the oft-cited pawns of nationalist agitators, since April Japanese leaders appear to be seduced by the efforts of the controversial Tokyo Governor Ishihara Shintaro to buy the disputed Senkaku Islands. If the sale is completed when the government’s current lease expires, it could trigger a potentially devastating crisis in Sino-Japanese relations. Japanese leaders seem unable or unwilling to condemn Ishihara’s efforts, which have unsurprisingly triggered assertive responses from China.

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My Comment: Talk about bad blood that goes back centuries .... especially the last one.

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