Friday, August 24, 2012

Was There A Russian Sub In The Gulf Of Mexico?

Russian Subs, Dubious Dangers -- Chicago Tribune/Reuters

The national news media has largely ignored a story that has gotten a lot of attention among conservatives -- that a Russian attack submarine surreptitiously spent a month in the Gulf of Mexico. This is taken by some to prove that Vladimir Putin is a dangerous enemy and confirm Mitt Romney's view of Russia as our "number one geopolitical foe." But let's be serious.

In the first place, the story may be inaccurate. UPI reports, "Military experts in Russia and Europe told the Moscow Times they doubted the sub could have spent so much time under the nose of the U.S. Navy because the Akula is not a particularly quiet piece of machinery.

Read more ....

My Comment
: Some in Congress still want answers.

1 comment:

Mac Aodhagain said...

Just read the full article. Why is the author believing the sub wasn't a threat just because we have more ships than the Russian Navy? Doesn't this sub carry nukes? If not, it's still a pretty clear message that they can mess with us if they want to.