Sunday, August 5, 2012

Why Israel Is The Arab World's Enemy

Mohammed Salem / Reuters

Let’s Hear It For Israel, The Arab World’s All-Purpose Enemy -- George Jonas, National Post

And how is the Arab Spring? Well, there’s bad news, and good news. The bad news is that since the beginning of the phenomenon that has been discussed more and understood less than any in recent years, hostility to Israel in the region has only increased. The good news is that while the appetite to harm the Jewish state and its inhabitants has grown in the Arab/Muslim world since the fall of Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali in Tunisia launched what was supposed to be the region’s democratic renewal, the capacity to do so has diminished.

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My Comment
: Israel has not helped the situation by it's treatment of the Palestinians .... but it is true .... if Israel did not existed, the Arabs would have to invent someone else.

The last two paragraphs of this commentary is a must read ....

We won’t understand much about the Arab Spring as long as we persist in looking at it through Western eyes. We see popular uprisings against dictatorships as moves in the direction of Western-style democracy. If they happened here, they probably would be. Where they’re actually happening they’re taking their societies in the opposite direction.

The Arab Spring is an attempt to return the region to its roots. It’s not to Westernize the Middle East and make it more democratic; it’s to Easternize it and make it more Islamic. If the early 20th century was about the East trying to join what it couldn’t lick, the early 21st may be about the East trying to lick what it hasn’t been able to join.

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