Friday, August 3, 2012

Why The "Pussy Riot" Trial In Russia Is Important

Pussy Riot Trial 'Worse Than Soviet Era' -- The Guardian

Judge refuses to allow 10 defence witnesses while lawyer claims women are being tortured with lack of food and sleep

By the end of the first week of Pussy Riot's trial, everyone in the shabby Moscow courthouse was tired. Guards, armed with submachine guns, grabbed journalists and threw them out of the room at will. The judge, perched in front of a shabby Russian flag, refused to look at the defence. And the police dog – a 100lb black Rottweiler – no longer sat in the corner she had occupied since the start of Russia's trial of the year, but barked and foamed at the mouth as if she were in search of blood.

Read more ....

More News On Pussy Riot Trial

Putin Warns Against Judging Pussy Riot 'Too Harshly' -- The Moscow Times
Putin says punk band Pussy Riot's punishment should not be 'too severe' -- New York Daily News
Pussy Riot punks expect little help from Putin -- AFP
Pussy Riot trial: Putin expresses hope for 'correct decision' -- Christian Science Monitor
Russia’s Pussy Riot Trial: A Kangaroo Court Goes on a Witch Hunt -- Simon Shuster, Time
Pussy Riot trial a test for rebranded Putin -- UPI
Due West: Trying Pussy Riot - The Long-Term Repercussions -- Konstantin von Eggert, RIA Novosti
Pussy Riot defense manifesto in English -- Wired

My Comment: When even President Putin makes a comment on this case .... you know that it is having an impact in Russia. This is a test case on how far the Russian government will permit expressions of dissent and opposition. My prediction .... the courts will punish these girls severely .... and I expect them to serve a few years in jail. But the symbol of their imprisonment will slowly galvanize opposition to Putin and his government .... and that is what should concern Putin and his supporters.

Pussy Riot Trial in Moscow Erupts in Chaos -- Rolling Stone

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