Monday, September 17, 2012

CIA Director: Al Qaeda Took Advantage of Libyan Protest

Al Qaeda Took Advantage of Libyan Protest, CIA Chief Says -- ABC News

The attack that killed four Americans in the Libyan consulate began as a spontaneous protest against the film “The Innocence of Muslims,” but Islamic militants who may have links to Al Qaeda used the opportunity to launch an attack, CIA Director David Petreaus told the House Intelligence Committee today according to one lawmaker who attended a closed-door briefing.

Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger, the top Democrat on the House Intel committee, said Petraeus laid out “a chronological order exactly what we felt happened, how it happened, and where we’re going in the future.”

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My Comment:
The CIA Director is guessing. U.S. Senators believe that it was an organized attack. The U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. believe it was spontaneous. The Libyan government is blaming Al Qaeda.

Hmmmm .... someone is right .... but I guess we will have to wait until after the investigation to know the real story .... and even then .... with so many conflicting interpretations .... maybe not.

1 comment:

Toaster 802 said...

Ooops. That egg is going to leave a mark David.