Saturday, September 15, 2012

Editor's Note

I have been incredibly super busy in the past month .... and as a result I have had to limit my blog posts on some days to about 12-16 (not the usual 30+). Case in point .... I am traveling on business this afternoon, so blogging will return later tonight.

I expect this routine to continue for the next few months (just for your info I am suppose to be in China, Russia, Ukraine, and California from now to Christmas) .... but .... here is the good news ..... I do expect to have more free time in the New Year. It will be during this time that I will be laying the groundwork to expand my coverage of wars, conflicts, and international trends .... as well as using social media and the input of you .... the readers of this blog .... to expand on the content of this web site.

I also want to express my thanks to the thousands of readers and followers of this blog .... which is something that I should do more often. Your praises are always appreciated .... as well as your criticisms.

Missed my interconnecting flight .... or should I say .... my flight took off late and arrived late. Regular blogging will return Sunday evening.

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