Monday, September 17, 2012

Ex-Ambassador To Israel: U.S. And Iran Will Be At War In 2013

Ex-Ambassador To Israel: U.S. Will Go To War With Iran In 2013 -- CBS News

(CBS News) Former Ambassador to Israel, Martin Indyk, offered a dire prediction of a U.S. confrontation with Iran, saying it could escalate into war as early as next year.

"I'm afraid that 2013 is going to be a year in which we're going to have a military confrontation with Iran," he said Sunday on "Face the Nation."

Indyk joined a roundtable of foreign policy experts to discuss the latest protests in the Middle East and Israel's public statements pressuring the United States over Iran.

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My Comment:
He is out of the loop (he is after-all an ex-ambassador) .... so this stark opinion is his own. What's my opinion .... the tools necessary for a U.S. military strike are not present in the region right now, and there are no signs that the U.S. will be building up their forces in the foreseeable future. As to what will Israel will do .... well .... that is another story.

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