Monday, September 17, 2012

Iran's Military Chief: We Could Wipe Out Israel

Photo: General Mohammad Ali Jafari

We Could Wipe Out Israel, Says Iranian Military Chief After Threats Against Islamic Republic Over Controversial Nuclear Programme -- Daily Mail

* General Mohammad Ali Jafari, also warned that if attacked, Iran would close the strategic Strait of Hormuz and hit US bases in the Middle East

Iran's top military commander yesterday said ‘nothing will remain’ of Israel if it took military action against the Islamic republic’s controversial nuclear programme.

General Mohammad Ali Jafari, head of the Revolutionary Guard, also warned that if attacked, Iran would close the strategic Strait of Hormuz and hit US bases in the Middle East.

Such warnings, and references to Israel’s destruction, have frequently been made by Iranian officials however the General gave an unusually detailed, strongly worded and comprehensive description on how Tehran would retaliate against a strike on its nuclear facilities.

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My Comment: This is the first time that Iran is providing details on how they would respond to an attack on their nuclear facilities. But even though he provided details .... he made it very clear that he still does not believe that either Israel or the U.S. will attack.

1 comment:

USSHelm said...

Wipe out Israel, eh? Not likely. That said, life is going to be dangerous in those parts for a few months.