Monday, September 10, 2012

The CIA's Failure On Iraq's 'Weapons Of Mass Destruction'

At the UN, Colin Powell holds a model vial of anthrax, while arguing that Iraq is likely to possess WMDs. Wikipedia

Did The CIA Just Mess Up On Iraq's 'Weapons Of Mass Destruction'? -- Brad Knickerbocker, Christian Science Monitor

Recently-declassified CIA documents blame 'analyst liabilities' for mistakenly concluding that Saddam Hussein had chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons programs – the rationale for invading Iraq. But some say the situation was more sinister.

Remember those “weapons of mass destruction?” How chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons programs were said to be part of Saddam Hussein’s arsenal – posited as the rationale for invading Iraq in the wake of 9/11, along with the belief that the Iraqi dictator somehow was helping Al Qaeda?

After a massive US-led invasion in 2003 and 4,486 American service men and women lost in Iraq over the years, the images remain:

Read more ....

My Comment: I am skeptical of claims that there was a disinformation campaign within the intelligence community to advocate for an invasion of Iraq. The debate on Saddam Hussein's WMD program goes back to the first Gulf war, and the general consensus among everyone (Europeans, both political parties in Washington, nuclear inspectors, etc) .... then and just before the second Gulf war .... was that Saddam Hussein's WMD program was very real.

It was not .... and the blame for this colossal intelligence failure should fist go to the intelligence community, (second) to the politicians who failed in providing the proper oversight, and (three) to President (Bush) who made the final decision to go to war.

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