Sunday, September 11, 2022

The Last Sunrise Between The Twin Towers (Photo Gallery)

(Click on Image to Enlarge) 6:30 a.m.: Early in the morning on Sept. 11, 2001, Reinhard Karger awoke on his brother's sailboat, moored at a marina across the water from the World Trade Center. The sun has not yet risen when Karger photographs the skyline of Manhattan, complete with the twin towers. Reinhard Karger
A Unique Perspective On Sept. 11: The Last Sunrise Between The Twin Towers -- Spiegel Online

He came to New York for vacation, but became a witness to the most devastating terror attack the world had ever seen. Reinhard Karger documented the disaster from a marina across the water from the World Trade Center and shared his story with SPIEGEL ONLINE. In the summer of 2001, my brother was living on a sailboat in New York Harbor. For one week, I went to visit him there to relax and sail a bit. I wanted to shop in Manhattan, and enjoy the last warm days of summer. The views were dazzling. 

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 WNU Editor: The photo gallery starts here.


Anonymous said...

And if you ask questions about 9/11, the homeland security now marks this as potential home-grown terrorism

And if you oppose the experimental shot, YOU are the villain, the scum, not those murderous Nuremberg code violating, corporate-fascism enabler Joseph Biden.

No no, Joseph Biden won fair and square and he won hugely! And if you ask questions about how an old senile man, who even his own daughter complains about in her own writings, managed to win despite not being able to pull any crowds ahead of the vote, then, you guessed it - YOU are an insurrectionist, a terrorist - not them. Not the globalists that make a mockery of justice and democracy. YOU are the villain. Get it?

Now shut up and do as you are told, because it's not about freedom. Freedom is just an abstract idea, like Antifa. You will get over it, or else we will send contract tracers to you and maybe you need to go to a camp..!

If you haven't figured out what's going on, please, switch off CNN. You are being conquered :)

Anonymous said...

Dear cattle,

Let's be honest

I am 1,000,000% sure the people who died during 9/11 - you know, the innocent people in the offices, and all the heros who rushed there - they just wanted the patriot act to be turned against you patriots.

It's what everyone who died in such an attack would want, that no questions are allowed to be asked and that the people who did this get off free. In fact, they got more money and power out of it than you could imagine.

And that's just what God would want too.

That his creation is enslaved by demonic satanic scum who deny his existence and want to outlaw Christianity and other organized religion in the great reset. Because religion is bad, you see. Corporate state facism is so much nicer. And the twin towers were destoroyed by religious fanatics who never flew a plane before and just got lucky by really praying hard.

But it's easy to fly such planes, you know?

You just hop in a simulator as they did and fly a small cesna plane and within a few hours you can fly a jet liner, especially under pressure and while everyone is screaming. It is EASY.

And why woulnd't they be able to fly perfectly, it was a clear day and that's all you need for flying such machines.

I know the truth is hard to swallow.
But it ain't what they tell you.

And they have done this for decades. It is a plan older than myself.

Why were you in Afghanistan?

I'm sure it had nothing to do with Afghanistan becoming the biggest opium (poppy fields) produced in the World, with their poppy production going straight up by hundreds of percent after the military put their boots on the ground.

And what about the trillions missing at the pentagon (according to their own initial audits, which they however promise to clear up and have the final audit by 2030, which by coinciedence is also the year when the Davos Group and World Economic Forum want to have transformed the globe into a paradise.... for them... not for you)

And perdue pharma which made billions of the misery of dead Americans by selling them opiods, they are innocent people too.
YOU on the other hand, you terrorist scum should fight among each other which side is worse, the Democrats or the Republicans, so you never unite again (like during occupy wallsteet when you united for a brief moment... boy that was scary, please don't do that again!)


your slave masters