Monday, September 17, 2012

US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta: China, Japan Heading Towards War

U.S. Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta walks with U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Salvatore A. Angelella, commander of U.S. Forces Japan, upon arriving in Tokyo, Sept. 16, 2012. Panetta is scheduled to visit with defense counterparts in Tokyo before traveling to Beijing and Auckland, New Zealand, during a week-long trip to the region. DOD photo by Erin A. Kirk-Cuomo

China, Japan Heading Towards War, Says US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta -- The Australian/AFP

CHINA and other Asian countries could end up at war over territorial disputes if governments keep up their "provocative behaviour", US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta has said.

Speaking to reporters before arriving in Tokyo on a trip to Asia, Mr Panetta appealed for restraint amid mounting tensions over territorial rights in the East China Sea and the South China Sea.

"I am concerned that when these countries engage in provocations of one kind or another over these various islands, that it raises the possibility that a misjudgment on one side or the other could result in violence, and could result in conflict," Mr Panetta said, when asked about a clash between Japan and China.

"And that conflict would then have the potential of expanding."

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More News On US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta's Remarks On The Growing China - Japan Island Dispute

Panetta concerned Pacific territorial disputes could expand, turn violent -- Newser/AP
Panetta warns against 'provocations' over Asian islands -- Christian Science Monitor
Panetta Targets Two Pacific Disputes -- Wall Street Journal
Panetta to urge China and Japan to tone down dispute over islands -- Washington Post
US Defense Secretary Addresses Tension in Asia, Mideast -- Voice of America
On way to Tokyo, Leon Panetta urges restraint in islands dispute -- L.A. Times
On tour of Asia, Panetta pushes for peaceful end to island disputes -- Stars and Stripes

My Comment: I am visiting China right now .... and I can safely say that the Chinese are not listening to Panetta's comments. As to what is my take on Panetta's "heading towards war" comment .... I will respectively disagree. The last thing that the leaders in both China and Japan want is a naval confrontation and war in the region.


D.Plowman said...

Didn't know you spoke on behalf of all of China, good to know though...

War News Updates Editor said...

Thank you for your comment D. Plowman, but if my Chinese hosts read what you just said they would be keeling over in laughter right now. I am easily one of their harshest critics .... and I have been doing so since my first trip and stay in the mid-1980s.

D.Plowman said...


XBradTC said...

It astonishes me that a DOD photograph has such an obvious error in the caption. The LTG, Salvatore A. Angelella, is an AIR FORCE officer. First, you could google him and know that. Or even before that, you'd notice he's wearing Air Force tiger stripe ABUs, not Army ACUs.

War News Updates Editor said...

You have sharp eyes XBradTC. You are right.