Thursday, October 11, 2012

China's South China Sea Claims Endangers Stability In Asia

The Coming Global Disorder -- Bret Stephens, Commentary

Woody Island is a speck of land in the middle of the South China Sea, not quite a square mile in size. Over the past 80 years it has been occupied by French Indochina, Imperial Japan, the Republic of China, the People’s Republic of China, South Vietnam, and, after a brief war in 1974, the People’s Republic again. Now known as Yongxing to the Chinese (or Phu Lam to the Vietnamese, who still lay claim to it), the island has an airstrip, a harbor, and a few hundred Chinese residents, none native-born, many of whom make their living as fishermen.

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My Comment: For the Chinese .... they see the South China Sea not only as an integral part of China .... but also an essential region for it's long term future. With this mindset .... good luck on trying to make them compromise on principles that they firmly believe in.

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