Monday, October 8, 2012

Is Venezuela's Chavez About To Lose His Presidency?

(One) Exit Poll Shows Hugo Chávez Losing -- Reason

As polls close in a heavy-turnout election in Venezuela, a Spanish pollster is calling the race for challenger Henrique Capriles.

Here's a report from Spain's ABC.

Various bad translations are floating around of the poll by Variance (Venezuelan media were not allowed to conduct exit polls). Here's a cleaned-up one from the Daily Caller:

Read more ....

UpdateVenezuela presidential vote looks set for close finish -- Reuters

My Comment:  These reports are unsubstantiated. I am still sticking with my prediction that Chavez will win for the simple reason that I have seen enough of these sham elections in eastern Europe during Communism .... the electoral body that is counting the votes and who will announce the winner owe their loyalty to the people in power .... not to the opponent who is running against them.

Update: Reports from some international outlets (like Spain's ABC) that Chavez has lost may become a problem for him if the electoral body announces him as the winner. Legitimacy is the cornerstone for all leaders and governments .... even for authoritarian figures like Chavez .... if you lose it you will have end up having problems on the national and international stage. . 

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