Monday, October 29, 2012

MI6 Is Looking For Recruits

MI6, The Not-So Secret Service: Agency Opts To Advertise For Staff Using Full Page Newspaper Advert -- Daily Mail

* The tongue-in cheek advert taken out in The Sunday Times rubbishes the notion of James Bond-style 'high speed chases and shoot-outs'
* The agency says that the qualities it is looking for are far more ordinary

You may have thought recruitment to MI6 was wrapped in a veil of secrecy – involving mysterious brown envelopes or a tap on the shoulder.

But the Secret Intelligence Service has decided to take the more traditional approach of advertising in a national newspaper.

The tongue-in-cheek advert, taken out in The Sunday Times, rubbishes the notion of James Bond-style ‘high-speed chases and shoot-outs’, instead saying the qualities looked for are ‘far more ordinary’.

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My Comment: Shaken but not stirred please.

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