Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Questions That Still Need To Be Answered On The Benghazi Attack

Unanswered Questions on Benghazi Attack -- Max Boot, Commentary

The mystery of what the administration knew and did both before and after the Benghazi attack continues to deepen. A former official in the Bush administration emails me a list of questions that need to be answered:

1) Why did the Libyan delegation have inadequate security?

2) Were there political or ideological factors that influenced the security decisions?

3) Why was it Susan Rice who spoke for the administration on the Sunday shows? Did the White House choose her, or did Hillary Clinton push her forward? Why was it not Clinton, who had the responsibility for the decisions, rather than Rice?

Read more ....

My Comment:
I have so many questions on this disaster/scandal/etc... that I do not even know where to begin. But .... if there are two questions that I would like to have answered, it would be the following .... when did President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton know that this was a terrorist attack that was planned and organized, and why did they push a story that had no collaboration or support from the intelligence community that this attack was the result of an anti-Mohammad video.

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