Monday, October 8, 2012

Turkish - Syrian Artillery Clashes Continue For A Sixth Day In A Row

Turkey Again Returns Fire After Syrian Mortar Attack -- Voice of America

CAIRO AND WASHINGTON — Turkey launched a new retaliatory strike Monday after a mortar bomb fired from Syria hit the Turkish countryside as U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon warned of "extremely dangerous" fallout from the escalating border conflict.

Ban also said he is "deeply concerned" about the continuing flow of weapons to both the Syrian government and opposition forces, and the impact of the Syrian crisis on neighboring Lebanon. He reiterated calls for a political solution, which he said is the "only way" to resolve the crisis that began in March of last year.

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More News On Turkish - Syrian Artillery Clashes Continuing For A Sixth Day In A Row

Turkey shells Syria for sixth day
-- The Telegraph
Turkey and Syria exchange fire for sixth day -- Al Jazeera
Turkey retaliates for 6th day of Syrian shelling
-- Bloomberg Businessweek/AP
Report: Syrian shell hits Turkey again -- FOX News/AP
New Syria shell draws Turkish fire hours after U.N. warning -- Daily Star
Turkey-Syria border tension continues -- BBC
Turkey Reinforces Border Amid Artillery Exchanges With Syria -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Ban Ki-moon warns of escalating Syrian border violence -- The Australian/AFP
Plucky little Turkey standing up to evil Syria? It's not as simple as that -- Robert Fisk, The Independent

My Comment: The Turkish President is right .... the worst case scenario is unfolding in Syria.

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