Friday, October 19, 2012

Women Are Starting To Join The Afghan Military

Women Break Barriers In Afghan Military -- CBS

(CBS News) FORT RUCKER, Ala. - The last American combat troops will exit Afghanistan at the end of 2014. They've been training Afghans to take over the fight.

You might be surprised by who is answering the call to defend Afghanistan.

If you think of Afghan women as downtrodden and of Afghans as not willing to fight for their own country, you need to meet Sourya Saleh and Masooma Hussaini.

"We are Afghan," Hussaini said. "That's our duty. We have to defend our country."

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My Comment: It's going to take more than just putting a few women in the Afghan military to make a difference in Afghanistan.

1 comment:

D.Plowman said...

An extremely foolish and dangerous prospect. I can only ask who's the complete idiot that came up with this.

I have nothing against women joining the army/navy. That's fine where it is accepted within the culture. Over in Afghanistan, women often suffer as the sub-par society under the men. This isn't breaking barriers, this is putting them at great risk.

Who's going to protect them once the Americans are gone, once they finish their training under American supervision? The Afghans? What about the many men who will, from a culture bred to believe so, find that a woman on equal footing is so insulting that they will resort to, what, murder? Rape?

It is perfectly fine to do something like this with clear defined saftey nets in place due to the culture in Afghanistan, but I highly doubt there is any in place.

Hope those women know what they are getting themselves into...