Thursday, November 15, 2012

37,000 Have Died In Syria's Civil War

Over 37,000 Have Died In Syria's Civil War, Opposition Group Says -- CNN

(CNN) -- As the total death toll in Syria marches towards 40,000, the Russian Foreign Ministry on Thursday lambasted the recent U.S. backing of Syria's opposition in its quest to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad.

Homs and Damascus are the deadliest places in Syria, according to an opposition group that keeps a running total of those whose lives came to a bloody end in 20-month armed conflict.

Of the 37,387 who have perished since fighting began, 6,992 were killed in Homs and 6,750 in the suburbs of Damascus, said the Violations Documentation Center.

The total number includes 3,061 government soldiers, which the group only recently started to include in its count.

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My Comment: I suspect that these numbers are on the low side.

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