Monday, November 5, 2012

Is America's Debate On Using Drones About To Begin?

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Death From Afar -- The Economist

America uses drones a lot, in secret and largely unencumbered by declared rules. Worries about that abound, not least in the administration.

DRONES are hardly synonymous with harmony. But in the last election debate neither Barack Obama nor Mitt Romney disagreed over what is now America’s main tactic in fighting the long war on terrorism: ever-greater use of armed drones for targeted killings in the tribal areas of Pakistan, the badlands of Yemen and Somalia, and, no doubt before long, north Mali, where an al-Qaeda affiliate has recently taken root. Just a few days before the debate, the CIA’s director, David Petraeus, reportedly asked the White House for a big expansion in the agency’s fleet of missile-carrying drones. It is part of the agency’s decade-long evolution from an intelligence organisation to a paramilitary one.

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My Comment: Here is an easy prediction. If President Obama wins his re-election .... there will be no debate. If Romney becomes President, I predict that within 6 months demands for a debate will be voiced by Democrat members in Congress and their media allies. As to what do I want .... we should have had this debate years ago.

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