Thursday, November 15, 2012

Tel Aviv Hit By Gaza Rockets -- News Updates On The Israeli - Hamas Conflict

Tel Aviv Residents Scramble For Cover As Rockets Fired Into Country’s Economic Capital -- Times of Israel

Rockets hit Gush Dan area for first time since 1991 Gulf War; Israel suffers first three fatalities after rocket hits residential building in Kiryat Malachi; three soldiers injured by mortar fire; 245 rockets fired into Israel since start of operation

On Operation Pillar of Defense’s second day, rocket fire is bringing life in southern and central Israel to a standstill while the IDF inflicts heavy blows on Gaza terror groups. The Times of Israel is live-blogging. Press refresh for latest updates.

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More News On The Israeli - Hamas Conflict

Israel and Gaza militants in deadly exchanges – live updates
-- The Guardian
Gaza Live Blog -- Al Jazeera

Gaza conflict intensifies -- Al Jazeera
15 Palestinians, 3 Israelis dead as intense air assaults and rocket fire continue -- Washington Post
Explosion heard in Tel Aviv as Gaza clashes mount -- CBS/AP
Rockets hits near Tel Aviv as Gaza death toll rises -- Reuters
Gaza Rocket Strikes Near Tel Aviv, Killing 3 -- Time/AP
Gaza missiles fired at Tel Aviv -- BBC
Israeli launches retaliation strikes against Hamas rocket attacks -- FOX News
Gaza Militants Aim Missiles at Israel After Air Attacks -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Israel threatens 'widening' of Gaza operation -- CBC/AP
Israel trying to avoid Gaza civilian casualties, says PM Netanyahu -- BBC
Region on the precipice: Israel, Gaza slide closer to war neither side wants -- NBC
Analysis: Israel not rushing to invade Gaza -- Reuters
Has Israel’s Assault on Gaza Made Tel Aviv Vulnerable? -- Karl Vick, Time

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