Friday, November 23, 2012

US Ambassador To The United Nations Susan Rice Defends Her Benghazi Comments

US Diplomat Susan Rice Defends Benghazi Comments -- BBC

The US ambassador to the United Nations has defended comments she made days after a deadly attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Susan Rice said her remarks in a series of TV interviews on 14 September were based on information provided by the US intelligence community.

Ms Rice has faced Republican criticism after saying the attacks stemmed from protests over an anti-Islamic film.

She is tipped to be President Obama's next choice as secretary of state.

Current Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is not expected to continue in the role for a second four-year term.

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More News On US Ambassador To The United Nations Susan Rice Defending Her Benghazi Comments

US Ambassador Rice defends comments on Benghazi attack -- FOX News
Ambassador Rice clarifies Benghazi remarks -- CBS
Republicans increase pressure on Obama over Rice -- CNN
US Ambassador Revisits Benghazi Controversy -- Voice of America
U.N. Ambassador Rice Helped Thwart Bin Laden Capture -- IBD Editorial
Republicans attack Rice, not race -- David Sherfinski, The Washington Times
Susan Rice Lays All Blame on Intel Community for Her Misleading the American People -- Weekly Standard

My Comment: She now knows .... belatedly .... that her comments have consequences, and by blaming others (i.e. the intelligence community) while not answering questions like .... who in the administration said that it was a spontaneous demonstration over an anti-Muslim film that got out of hand resulting in the deaths of 4 Americans .... is only hurting her credibility and reputation.

Update #1: Having her supporters throw in the "race-card" is only damaging her case.

Update #2: President Obama can still nominate her, and with a Democrat majority will probably have her approved .... but she is damaged goods right now. That's too bad .... in my book she is a far better choice than this possible candidate.

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