Sunday, November 4, 2012

Was The Bombing Raid On A Weapons Factory In Sudan A Dry-Run For An Iran Strike?

Did Israel And The U.S. Just Cooperate On A Dry-Run For An Iran Intervention? -- Jonathan Schanzer, The New Republic

Within hours of a bombing raid on a weapons factory in Sudan last month, the international media was pointing fingers at Israel. Some reports suggested that the strike looked like a dry run for an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. But lost in the reporting was the fact that thousands of US troops, including senior military officials, were in Israel the day Sudan was attacked. If the U.S. indeed cooperated with Israel in the attack, then this might have been a dry run of an entirely different sort—one that would belie the very public disagreements between the two countries over intervention in Iran.

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My Comment:
I am still trying to understand why they decided to bomb this particular munitions factory .... as if there are not enough munitions factories in the region. As to the idea that the U.S. and Israel cooperated on this strike .... I just don't see it .... if there was cooperation, it was Israel telling the U.S. that if American ships in the region and/or their base in Djibouti (or Saudi Arabia for that matter) spotted planes on their radar screens, they should not do anything about it.

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