Sunday, December 30, 2012

Al Qaeda Announced Its Dissolution Today, Citing The Success Of The U.S. Congress In Destroying The U.S. Economy As It's Main Reason

Al Qaeda Disbands; Says Job of Destroying U.S. Economy Now in Congress’s Hands -- The Borowitz Report

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—The international terror group known as Al Qaeda announced its dissolution today, saying that “our mission of destroying the American economy is now in the capable hands of the U.S. Congress.”

In an official statement published on the group’s website, the current leader of Al Qaeda said that Congress’s conduct during the so-called “fiscal-cliff” showdown convinced the terrorists that they had been outdone.

“We’ve been working overtime trying to come up with ways to terrorize the American people and wreck their economy,” said the statement from Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri. “But even we couldn’t come up with something like this.”

Read more ....

My Comment: The President/U.S. Senate/House of Representatives .... it is easy to blame this collection of politicians for our economic mess .... but the real blame belongs here.


War News Updates Editor said...

I am not sympathetic with any of the two main political parties in the U.S. .... but this is what the voters in the U.S. want. (i.e. two main parties).

I consider myself lucky .... I live in Canada. We have our economic problems, but they are insignificant when compared to the U.S. and/or to Europe. I give credit to the former Liberal Party under Jean Chretien and Paul Martin and the current government under Conservative PM Harper for veering us away from the many bad decisions that the U.S. and Europe have made. Our numerous political parties and open parliamentary system guarantees debate and discussion .... something (in my opinion) that is sorely lacking in the U.S. .... and when our politicians screw up .... it is easy to vote them out .... something that is very hard to do in any U.S. election when the same US senators and congressmen/women win 95% of the time.

War News Updates Editor said...

Sorry D. Plowman. I accidentally deleted your comment when I was posting and correcting mine. I like criticism .... and your comments are always appreciated.