Saturday, December 15, 2012

Is Egypt Violating UN Sanctions By Buying Scud Parts From North Korea?

Image: Hwasong-6 Scud Missile. Wikipedia

The Hermit Kingdom And The Brotherhood -- Washington Free Beacon

North Korea sending Scud parts to Egypt via China.

United States intelligence agencies recently uncovered a covert deal between North Korea and Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood government to ship Scud missile parts from North Korea through China to Egypt.

Intelligence reports from mid-November were circulated to senior officials in the State Department, Pentagon, and intelligence agencies. The shipment would be the first by the North Korean regime to the new Egyptian regime headed by Mohammed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood-backed president.

The shipment of Scud components is scheduled to be sent by air cargo transport through China and on to Egypt, according to U.S. officials familiar with intelligence reports.

The arms deal, if it goes through, would further violate United Nations sanctions imposed on North Korea since the early 2000s for its nuclear and missile tests.

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My Comment: If true .... it makes you wonder why we are sending F-16s as part of an aid package to Egypt. At least the IMF has it right .... no money for you.

Update: Egypt has the Hwasong-6 scud missile in it's arsenal.

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