Monday, December 10, 2012

Syria's Assad Has Three Options

As Syria's Rebels Close In, Assad Has Three Options -- Nicholas Blanford, Christian Science Monitor

The most likely is a retreat into the mountains controlled by his minority Alawite community.

The magnificent views across Damascus from the presidential palace on Mount Qassioun are unlikely to provide much comfort these days for Bashar al-Assad, Syria’s beleaguered head of state.

For several weeks, the skyline to the north, east, and south has been stained by black columns of smoke from artillery explosions and air strikes as Syrian government forces struggle to prevent the Free Syrian Army (FSA) rebels from inching ever closer to their goal of unseating Mr. Assad’s regime.

After 20 months of confrontation, Assad’s hold on power is looking increasingly frail, leaving him and his regime with few remaining options.

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My Comment: The war is now only a mile away from his office .... so he must be aware on what is happening. But I concur with this analysis .... Syria will probably become like Lebanon. Fractured with different religious groups in control of specific areas.

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