Friday, December 14, 2012

War Clouds In Asia?

Ripe For Rivalry -- Victor Cha, Foreign Policy

Has Asia's moment of reckoning finally arrived?

On Wednesday, North Korea successfully launched a rocket that achieved what few countries outside of the United States, China, and Russia have -- a demonstrated long-range ballistic missile launch capability. The country is now one step closer to being able to launch a nuclear bomb across the Pacific. In early December, India's top admiral seemed to suggest that his navy would protect India-Vietnam oil exploration in the South China Sea from Chinese belligerence, while China and Japan aggressively re-affirmed their "sacred" right to the disputed Senkaku island chain in the East China Sea (which the Chinese call the Diaoyu). China and the Philippines are still facing off over a shoal in the South China Sea. It's all enough to make one wonder: Is 2013 the year that conflict finally breaks out in Asia?

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My Comment: A part of me says no .... there is zero possibility of a conflict erupting between Asian countries now or in the foreseeable future. Another part of me says that I should not be naive .... wars and conflicts have always existed in Asia, it is just that for the past three decades (not including internal insurrections) Asia has been fortunate enough to not experience a major war. Will this now all change .... probably. As U.S. power declines other nations will try to fill in the vacuum, and as Asian countries try to assert their sovereignty over territories that other countries may claim is their own  .... that is when the risk of escalating tensions resulting in a real shooting war between nations can occur .... with global implications and impact.

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