Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Is Syria’s Bashar al-Assad's Wife Pregnant?

Asma al-Assad, with her husband, Syria's president, Bashar al-Assad. A cache of emails appeared to show she embarked on a luxury online shopping spree during a brutal crackdown by her husband's regime. Photograph: Yves Herman/REUTERS

Syria’s Bashar al-Assad Says His Wife Is Pregnant -- Washington Post

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, whose regime is embroiled in a now two-year civil war that has killed tens of thousands, gave a cheery interview to unnamed “visitors,” as reported by a sympathetic newspaper, in which he offhandedly revealed that his wife is pregnant. Asma al-Assad, the 37-year-old, British-born young mother of three (now four?), was warmly profiled in Vogue’s February 2011 issue for her style and flair; shortly after, she was placed under severe economic sanctions by the European Union for her role in state abuses.

Bashar al-Assad let the news slip in a recent talk with mysteriously anonymous “visitors,” who relayed his comments to the Beirut-based al-Akhbar newspaper, an aggressive outlet often described as aligned with such anti-Western movements as Hezbollah.

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My Comment: While he is busy burning Syria down to the ground .... he has time to become a father .... talk about being completely out of touch on what is happening on the ground in Syria. At least I now know why Asma al-Assad has gone into hiding this past year.


Nicholas Darkwater said...

My comments last year, same subject and conclusion:


War News Updates Editor said...

Thank you Nicholas Darkwater for the link.