Monday, January 28, 2013

What Are Afghanistan's Security Prospects After NATO Withdraws In 2014

Afghan soldiers patrol during a security operation in Farah province, Afghanistan, Jan. 19, 2013. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Chadwick de Bree

Afghanistan's Security Prospects After Nato Withdrawal -- Frank Gardner, BBC

Nato-led forces have been in Afghanistan for so long now that it is almost hard to remember why they went in.

Governments often repeat that it was in direct response to Al-Qaeda's attacks of 9/11, planned from Osama Bin Laden's Afghan base.

But that does not explain why now, more than 11 years later, there are still more than 100,000 troops from 51 countries stationed in this country and yet they have failed to defeat the insurgency that kills and maims on a daily basis.

By the end of next year Nato's combat forces will all be gone, leaving Afghanistan's national security forces to fight a determined enemy on their own.

Can they do it?

Read more ....

My Comment:
A sobering assessment .... read it all.

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