Tuesday, March 12, 2013

What Role Might American Power Play In The Coming Years?

U.S. Navy ships transit Suez canal. Christopher L. Clark/US Navy News Photo/MCT

U.S. Military Must Find Ways To Meet Global Threats - And Budget Demands -- McClatchy News

WASHINGTON — Pirates prowl the high seas. Terrorists flex their muscles in Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia. China gets stronger. Russia grows increasingly inscrutable, and Iran and North Korea remain unpredictable.

Trying to find footing in this shifting landscape of international power plays and intrigues is the American military, which right now appears more focused on how to adjust to mandatory budget cuts because the White House and Congress were unable to reach a deal to stop them.

Perhaps lost in the debate is the bigger question: What role might American power play in the coming years?

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My Comment: Does the U.S. want to be the global policeman .... or limited to a role that only involves protecting it's interests and those of it's allies. In view of budget demands and what should be the priorities for the U.S. government .... in my opinion this is a debate that is long overdue.

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