Monday, April 29, 2013

Afghanistan War News Updates -- April 29, 2013

Taliban Promise Suicide Assaults, 'Insider Attacks' In This Year's Spring Offensive -- Long War Journal

The Afghan Taliban announced that this year's spring offensive would begin on April 28 and would focus on suicide assaults on Coalition installations, as well as "insider attacks" against Western personnel.

The Taliban, under the guise of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, announced the "'Khalid bin Waleed' spring operation" on their website, Voice of Jihad, today. The offensive is named after a companion of the Prophet Mohammed and military general whose victories helped establish the first caliphate.

Read more ....

More News On Afghanistan

ISAF Joint Command Operational Update, April 29th -- ISAF
Taliban start spring offensive by claiming bombing that kills 3 Afghan police -- Washington Post/AP
Afghan Taliban declare 'spring offensive' -- Al Jazeera
Taliban kill 3 officers in spring offensive, vow more attacks -- CNN
Taliban announce new Afghanistan offensive -- UPI
Aircraft crashes at base in Afghanistan -- AP
Cargo plane crashes at Afghan air base -- L.A. Times
Officials: Cargo plane crashes at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan -- NBC News
Pakistani support for extremists persists -- Deutsche Welle
Air force advisers remember deadly Kabul insider attack of 2011 -- Washington Post
Pentagon identifies four U.S. airmen killed in reconnaissance plane crash in Afghanistan as bad weather is blamed -- Daily Mail
Outgoing French envoy to Afghanistan slams corruption -- France 24
Afghanistan heading for 'civil war' when west withdraws in 2014 -- Ehsan Azari Stanizai, Public Service Europe
Afghanistan's Looming Security Test -- Council On Foreign Relations
Building a road out of Afghanistan -- David Wroe, The Age
Springtime in Kabul -- Foreign Policy
Russia’s Afghanistan conundrum -- Yevgeny Shestakov, Russia & India Report

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