Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Afghanistan War News Updates -- April 9, 2013

U.S. soldiers take a knee while providing security for U.S. engineers and Afghan soldiers during a road construction project in the Panjwai district of Afghanistan’s Kandahar province, March 30, 2013. U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Kimberly Hackbarth

Civilian Casualties Mounting As Taliban Begin Spring Offensive -- Stars and Stripes

KABUL — Nearly 60 civilians were killed in the past week in Afghanistan in several bloody incidents, the most recent on Monday morning when a crowded bus struck a bomb in the eastern province of Wardak.

The high incidence of civilian casualties seems to be a continuation of an upward trend noted in a February report from the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) that showed a 13 percent increase in non-combatant deaths in the last six months of 2012 compared to the year before.

Read more ....

More News On Afghanistan

ISAF Joint Command Operational Update, April 9th -- ISAF
NATO helicopter crash in Afghanistan leaves 2 American troops dead -- FOX News/AP
Afghanistan helicopter crash kills two Americans -- Reuters
Two dead after Afghanistan helicopter crash -- CNN
Reports: Two service members killed this morning in Afghanistan helicopter crash -- Al.com
NATO helicopter crash in Nangarhar province of Afghanistan -- Khaama Press
Taliban ambush main security check post in Nuristan province -- Khaama Press
Last Royal Marines leave Afghanistan -- BBC
Royal Marines leave Afghanistan after more than a decade -- Defence Management
Afghanistan: Last Royal Marines Heading Home -- SKY News
Royal marines last commando group leave Afghanistan -- Khaama Press
Afghan, Foreign Forces Urged To Avoid Civilian Casualties -- RTT News
In Afghanistan, an unlikely quest for asylum -- Washington Post
Afghan Women in Kabul Prison Over 'Moral' Crimes -- Washington Post/AP

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