Saturday, April 13, 2013

Editor's Note

Just learned that my email account for this blog has been hacked.
For those who received an email from me .... sorry.
The attachment appears to be harmless .... but you never know.
For those who follow this blog regularly .... you would know that my computers were attacked at the beginning of this week when I opened a file from a friend.
He did not send it.
As a result .... my computers were hijacked. I had to to a complete format on my drives .... and then reinstall my backups.
It took time .... and yes my blogging was cut down .... which frustrated me for the entire week.
And now this.
I feel like I am under the cross-hairs of someone.
Oh well .... nothing that I can do but make sure my firewalls are up. My anti-viral software is functioning. And to do a complete sweep before I shut down.
As to those who read and follow this blog .... do not worry .... this site is on Blogger, and I have confidence that Google's anti-virus software is working.


Anonymous said...

"As to those who read and follow this blog .... do not worry .... this site is on Blogger, and I have confidence that Google's anti-virus software is working."

Not so sure of that, editor. I occasionally do a rather serendipitous modest blog ( "it's about nothing" ), and noticed I was getting lots of traffic out of Russia.

Haven't a clue why. Now?


Chris Dean said...

I am more thankful for the service you perform for myself and your readers than you will ever know. I appreciate you taking the time to rebuild your systems after coming under attack, never give up!!!