Thursday, April 25, 2013

Fears Of Civil War Grow As Sectarian Violence Continues In Iraq

Rising Violence in Iraq Spurs Fears of New Sectarian War -- New York Times

BAGHDAD — In what appeared to be a new phase in an intensifying conflict that has raised fears of greater bloodshed and a wider sectarian war, Iraqi soldiers opened fire from helicopters on Sunni gunmen hiding in a northern village on Wednesday, officials said.

The air attack was among clashes throughout the country between forces of the Shiite-dominated Iraqi government and Sunni gunmen that left at least 27 people dead and dozens wounded. The Sunni tribesmen were continuing a fight that began on Tuesday after the Iraqi Army stormed a Sunni protest encampment in the village of Hawija, leaving dozens dead and injured.

Several others were killed on Wednesday in explosions, including the detonation of a car bomb at a public market in the evening in a Shiite neighborhood north of Baghdad, and a roadside bomb attack on an army patrol in Tikrit, also in the north.

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More News On The Continuing Sectarian Violence In Iraq

Iraq PM warns of sectarian war as 169 killed -- AFP
Iraqi police say 41 killed in clashes between gunmen and police in northern city of Mosul -- FOX News/AP
Iraq PM warns of attempts to start sectarian war -- Daily Star
Nearly 50 Killed As Sectarian Violence Flares In Iraq -- Reuters
Sunni militants 'liberate' northern Iraqi town from government -- The Telegraph
Deadly Clashes Mount in Iraq, Killing Dozens -- Wall Street Journal
Iraqi leader sounds warning about sectarian strife -- CNN
Anti-government protests in Iraq devolve into sectarian fighting -- Christian Science Monitor
Iraq bloodshed stokes fears of civil war -- The Australian
Iraqi 'Gunmen' storm small Sunni town north of Baghdad -- BBC
Sunni fighters take over town in northern Iraq after clashes with government forces -- The Independent
Iraq’s bloody election: Polls and protests -- The Economist

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