Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Is The Latest Bird Flu Virus in China A U.S. Biological Attack?

The American Flu -- Washington Free Beacon

Chinese colonel says latest bird flu virus is U.S. biological weapon.

A Chinese Air Force officer on Saturday accused the U.S. government of creating the new strain of bird flu now afflicting parts of China as a biological warfare attack.

People’s Liberation Army Sr. Col. Dai Xu said the United States released the H7N9 bird flu virus into China in an act of biological warfare, according to a posting on his blog on Saturday.

The charge was first reported in the state-run Guangzhou newspaper Southern Metropolis Daily and then picked up by several news outlets in Asia.

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My Comment: There is no evidence that this a biological attack .... but the Chinese are worried, and it appears that some of them are looking for scape goats.

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