Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Marine Refuses To Lend The American Flag That Covered Saddam's Statue Before It Fell 10 Years Ago

Marine Refuses To Lend Military The American Flag That Covered Saddam’s Statue -- Gawker

Ten years ago today, TV carried one of the most iconic, if stage-managed and misremembered, images of the invasion of Iraq: Moments before toppling the statue of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein in Baghdad's Firdos Square, several Marines used a United States flag to cover Saddam's face before prudently swapping it for an Iraqi standard.

In anticipation of that anniversary, the National Marine Corps Museum in Quantico, Virginia, went looking for the American flag, hoping to put it on display. But the flag's keeper, former Lt. Tim McLaughlin, has told the Corps he won't provide it, because he doesn't want it used for pro-war propaganda.

Read more ....

Update: Flag that covered Saddam’s face stashed in N.H. safety deposit box -- Salon

My Comment: I say .... let him keep his flag .... he did his tour and duty.

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