Friday, April 19, 2013

President Obama And Russian President Putin Talk About Boston

Obama, Putin Speak About Boston Situation -- Voice of America

WHITE HOUSE — As President Barack Obama closely monitored developments in Boston, Massachusetts, he discussed events with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

A White House statement said that in the conversation with Obama, Putin expressed his condolences on behalf of the Russian people for the tragic loss of life in Boston.

Obama "thanked President Putin for those sentiments, and praised the close cooperation that the United States has received from Russia on counterterrorism, including in the wake of the Boston attack."

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More News On Presidents Obama And Putin Discussing The Boston Situation

Obama, after Boston bombing, thanks Putin for Russian cooperation
-- Reuters
Obama thanks Putin for help in Boston -- The Cable
Obama talks to Putin about Boston manhunt -- L.A. Times
Obama, Putin discuss Boston Marathon attacks -- Seattle Times/AP
Obama talks with Putin, huddles with aides to monitor Boston manhunt -- MSNBC
Boston Marathon blasts: Obama thanks Putin for Russian cooperation -- IBN Live
President Obama receives condolences from Russian President Vladimir Putin for Boston bombing -- New York Daily News

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