Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Should President Obama Take The Drones Away From The CIA

Clip The Agency's Wings -- Micah Zenko, Foreign Policy

Why Obama needs to take the drones away from the CIA.

Among the 9/11 Commission's 41 recommendations was that "lead responsibility for directing and executing paramilitary operations, whether clandestine or covert, should shift to the Defense Department" to avoid the "creation of redundant, overlapping capabilities and authorities in such sensitive work." President Bush directed Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Director of Central Intelligence Porter Goss to review "to what extent implementation of the recommendation is in the interest of the United States." Goss -- himself a CIA operative in the 1960s -- told the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence: "[Rumsfeld] feels that he has capabilities that are important, and I agree. And I feel I have capabilities that are important, and he agrees. There's not a lot of disagreement on this."

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My Comment:
There is a lot of meat in this analysis. As to what is my take .... I do not see President Obama giving all the authority of drone strikes to the Pentagon. The CIA has been very good at it's job (at least that is what they tell us) .... and if that is true .... President Obama may decide to not fix something that some of his closest advisers may believe is not broken.

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