Wednesday, April 17, 2013

U.S. Commander In Afghanistan Wants A Robust U.S. Military Presence After 2014

U.S. Commander In Afghanistan Calls For Robust Force To Remain After 2014 -- Washington Post

The commander of military forces in Afghanistan said Tuesday that the United States and its allies should keep troops in Kabul and the “four corners” of the country after 2014, warning about growing uncertainty across the region as the withdrawal begins.

“Many Afghans have told me they no longer fear the Taliban as much as they fear what will happen after 2014,” Marine Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr. told the Senate Armed Services Committee during his first congressional testimony since taking command in Kabul in February. “There is a growing sense that December 2014 is a cliff for the Afghan people.”

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More News On General Dunford's Testimony On Afghanistan

US war commander: Assess Afghan combat performance before setting post-2014 US force size -- Washington Post/AP
Commander says U.S. troops should remain in Afghanistan -- USA today
Top general pushing to keep US troops in Afghanistan -- Global Post
ISAF Commander Notes ‘Growing Uncertainty’ in Afghanistan -- US Department of Defense
Afghanistan war can yet be won, US general tells Congress -- Christian Science Monitor
More Afghan Troops Operate Independently, Dunford Tells Congress -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Top general says U.S. to assess Afghan troops level after summer -- Reuters
New U.S. Commander Gets Tough Senate Reception -- Wall Street Journal

My Comment:
General Dunford is not going to get the "robust force" that he wants after 2014. Washington D.C. and the American public are done with Afghanistan .... and the general sentiment is to get our forces back home ASAP.

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