Monday, April 8, 2013

U.S. Delays Missile Test To Placate North Koreans

US Seeks To Ease Tensions With North Korea By Postponing Missile Test -- The Guardian

Test launch of a Minuteman 3 intercontinental missile next week delayed until next month to avoid exacerbating crisis.

The US has attempted to ease rising tensions with North Korea by postponing a missile test scheduled to take place in California next week, lest this be interpreted by Pyongyang as deliberately provocative.

The US defence secretary, Chuck Hagel, decided to delay the long-planned test launch of a Minuteman 3 intercontinental missile from an airbase until next month over concerns it could exacerbate the crisis, officials briefed reporters anonymously. "This is the logical, prudent and responsible course of action to take," a senior defence official was quoted as saying by Reuters.

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More News On The U.S. Delaying Next Week's Missile Test To Placate The North Koreans

U.S. delays missile test to avoid stoking North Korea tensions
-- Reuters
U.S. Delays Missile Test Over Tension With North Korea -- USA Today/AP
US delays missile test to cool N. Korea tensions -- Global Post/AFP
Official: U.S. delays missile test to avoid 'misperceptions' by North Korea -- CNN
U.S. delaying missile test as Korea tensions rise -- Washington Post
US Delays Missile Test During Korean Tensions -- Voice of America
Minuteman 3 Test Delayed to Avoid North Korean ‘Manipulation’ -- ABC News
US postpones missile test to avoid 'misperception' -- Deutsche Welle
US delays missile test amid tensions with North Korea -- NBC

My Comment: The North Koreans do not care if the U.S. delays their missile test. If anything .... this will only be more proof to them that the U.S. is weak.

Update: This is not surprising .... North Korea Propaganda Victory After US Cancels ICBM Test Over Increasing Tensions (Huffington Post).

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