Monday, May 13, 2013

Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect Has Become A 'Teen Hearthrob'

The 'Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is innocent' Facebook page has quickly grown to include 11,250 members who offer a mixture of constructive support for the accused Boston bomber and conspiracy theories that paint him as an innocent man

Boston Suspect Becomes Teen Hearthrob: Thousands Of Girls Express Their Love For Bomber In Worrying Online Forums -- Daily Mail

A startling number of teen girls have admitted to having a schoolgirl crush on bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, proclaiming their love for the Boston Marathon bombing suspect on social media.

Its a disturbing trend on sites like Twitter and Facebook, where girls have admitted to finding Tsarnaev attractive, and herald him in the ranks of Justin Bieber and One Direction singer Harry Styles.

One Twitter user, a waitress who goes by the name Keepitblunted, has said she is looking to get a tattoo of a Tsarnaev quote. 'If you have the knowledge and the inspiration all that's left is to take action.'

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My Comment: Talk about a lost generation. On a side note .... here is Tamerlan Tsarnaev's death certificate that states bluntly that his "teen heartthrob' brother ran over him and dragged him in a stolen car.


D.Plowman said...

It's a mad mad mad mad mad mad world, that we live in...

LoneWolf Media said...

Ugh if it's not the tinfoilests who believe it was a government conspiracy it's the over-zealous liberals claiming he's a victim. I really am scared at the social trends I'm noticing with the new age groups. Agreed talk about a lost generation.