Friday, May 3, 2013

British Army Snipers Cannot Target The Enemy Because Of Ill Fitting Helmets

(Click on Image to Enlarge)
Photo from The Daily Mail

Army Snipers Put In Danger By Ill Fitting Helmets That Make It 'Near Impossible' To Target Taliban Fighters -- Daily Mail

* Crack marksmen are having to remove the helmets to adopt firing position
* The latest controversy was flagged up in a letter in Soldier magazine
* It will reignite fears that defence chiefs are cutting corners on equipment

British Army snipers’ lives are being put at risk because they are forced to remove ill-fitting protective helmets before they shoot at the enemy.

Crack marksmen have complained that it is ‘near impossible’ to adopt a correct firing position when targeting Taliban fighters in Afghanistan because of unsuitable kit.

Problems have arisen on the frontline when the back of the standard-issue helmets rub against the top of the ballistic plates in the cutting-edge Osprey body armour.

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My Comment: I suspect that these British snipers started complaining on day one when they first started to use these helmets. The fact that it took a letter to a Soldier magazine to illicit a response from the MoD tells me that this is a problem that they are avoiding to solve for the simple reason being that there is no money in the budget to fix it right now.

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