Friday, May 24, 2013

Is The U.S. Drone Program Targeting Terrorists About To Expand?

Obama Speech Suggests Possible Expansion Of Drone Killings -- Mcclathcy News

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama on Thursday defended his administration’s use of drone strikes to kill terrorists as effective, lawful and “heavily constrained,” but he also appeared to be laying groundwork for an expansion of the controversial targeted killings.

In remarks at the National Defense University in Washington, Obama cast the use of such operations as a necessary part of an overall national defense strategy, even as he acknowledged targeted killings risk “creating new enemies” and could “lead a president and his team to view drone strikes as a cure-all for terrorism.”

He said the U.S. is at a crossroads of national security issues with a diffuse array of terrorist threats that require a recasting of a war on terror.

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My Comment: Nope .... I do not see an expansion happening. He wants to limit drone strikes .... and he was blunt about it in his speech.

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