Friday, May 24, 2013

'Lone Wolf' Attacks And Terrorism Arrives

'Armies Of One': Are Lone Wolf Attacks The Future Of Terrorism? -- Nick Thompson, CNN

London (CNN) -- The only thing more horrifying than the murder of a British soldier in a London street is the fear that there is little police can do in the age of "open-source jihad" to prevent these types of terror attacks.

"It's always the one we feared, the lone wolf that can come from nowhere and not be on our radar," said ex-London police chief John Yates.

On Wednesday two men hacked the soldier to death near his military barracks in Woolwich, southeast London before delivering a message to a witness's camera: "We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you until you leave us alone ... this British soldier is an eye for an eye, a tooth for tooth."

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'Lone wolf' terrorism arrives -- Nick Miller, The Age

My Comment:
This analysis represents the conventional thinking among many who have been tracking and studying Al Qaeda for years. And while there is still some validity in their assessment that lone wolf attacks are probably the future of terrorism .... we cannot underestimate the power that a small group can have in inflicting enormous harm to us. Advancements in technology have made the production and distribution of deadly weapons with enormous power that much more easier .... and these small groups of terrorists and terrorist wannabees are fully aware of that.

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