Thursday, May 23, 2013

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- May 23, 2013

The rubble from a strike by a United States drone in southeastern Yemen in February. Khaled Abdullah/Reuters

Obama, In A Shift, To Limit Targets Of Drone Strikes -- New York Times

WASHINGTON — President Obama plans to open a new phase in the nation’s long struggle with terrorism on Thursday by restricting the use of unmanned drone strikes that have been at the heart of his national security strategy and shifting control of them away from the C.I.A. to the military.

In his first major speech on counterterrorism of his second term, Mr. Obama hopes to refocus the epic conflict that has defined American priorities since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and even foresees an unspecified day when the so-called war on terror might all but end, according to people briefed on White House plans.

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China Space Program Ramping Up Capabilities, Pentagon Says --

China’s nuclear program still shrouded in secrecy -- Michael Richardson, Japan Times

Iraqi government still using bomb detectors it knows are faulty -- Christian Science Monitor

German armed forces equipping for cyber war -- Stars and Stripes/Deutsche Presse-Agentur

France boosting security at facilities abroad -- Stars and Stripes/AP

US to continue supporting French air force ops in Mali -- Stars and Stripes

Russia Develops New Air-Defense Target Simulator -- RIA Novosti

Missile Defense Obstructs Nuclear Forces Cuts - General -- RIA Novosti

GOP lawmakers seek limits on missile defense cooperation with Russia -- Military Times

New Arms Bill In Congress Could Involve Major Sanctions On Russia -- Business Insider

McRaven Sets Future Course for Special Ops Command -- US Department of Defense

Minuteman III test missile launches from Vandenberg AFB -- US Air Force

Lawmakers Back Military’s Laser Weapon Programs -- Defense Tech

Northrop Grumman to Help Navy Mature Laser Weapon Systems -- Photonics

Air Force Picks First Three KC-46A Bases -- DoD Buzz

House Republicans Signal Support for Cadre of Military Spies -- Defense News

US House Panel Defends Global Hawk, Wants More Army UAV Use -- Defense News

NSA Deputy Warns Against Cyber Vigilantes; CISPA Execution Must Be ‘Exactly Right’ -- Breaking Defense

Anonymous Scared The US Government Into Shutting Down Gitmo's Wifi -- Business Insider

The Pentagon Is Wasting Billions Of Dollars Because It Can't Audit Its Own Contracts -- David Francis, Business Insider/The Fiscal Times

Hagel directs Pentagon to seek new software for health records -- Washington Post

Julian Assange sues US military over secrecy of Bradley Manning trial -- RT

Fort Hood shooting suspect asks to fire his lawyer -- CNN

A strategy to combat military sexual assaults -- Sen. Patty Murray and Sen. Kelly Ayotte, Politico

Experts Weigh In on Challenges of Closing Guantanamo Prison
-- Voice of America

U.S. Air Force Team Climbs Mount Everest -- NBC

The $4 billion shipbuilding shortfall -- Rep. J. Randy Forbes, Politico

Nuclear Winter of Our Discontent -- Mark Thompson, Battleland/Time

'The Moscow Rules' Are Ten Simple Reminders For Covert CIA Operations -- Geoffrey Ingersoll, Business Insider

Why You Should Care about Pentagon Funding of Obama’s BRAIN Initiative -- John Horgan, Scientific American

Thoughts On Secrecy, Leaks And CIA Drinking Preferences -- Karl Shmavonian, Forbes

The C.I.A.’s Part in Benghazi -- New York Times editorial

How Petraeus Turned the CIA into the Good Guys in Benghazi -- Elspeth Reeve, The Atlantic

Did the Pentagon cry wolf over sequestration? -- James Rosen, McClatchy News

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