Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Growing Role Of Hezbollah And Iran In Syria's Civil War

Iran, Russia, Hezbollah Top Backers In Syrian Regime's Success -- US News and World Report

Outside influence may turn the tide in Qusair, ongoing civil war

The protracted fighting in Syria is not happening within a bubble, amid reports of clandestine support for the Bashar al Assad regime from Hezbollah, Iran and Russia, and an ongoing effort to establish an international peace effort.

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel warned at a press conference Friday that stability should remain a top priority for the region around Syria, which could be engulfed in conflict if the two-year-old civil war spins out of control. He chastised the Russian government for agreeing to sell advanced anti-ship missiles to the Syrian government, which seems at odds with that country's latest diplomatic dialogue with the U.S.

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More News On The Growing Role Of Hezbollah And Iran In Syria's Civil War

Hezbollah plunges deeper into Syrian conflict -- BBC
Hezbollah pulled more deeply into Syria civil war -- AP
Iranian soldiers fighting for Assad in Syria, says State Department official -- Washington Post
New Evidence of Iran Support to Assad, While Congress Moves to Arm Rebels -- ABC News
Hizbollah And Iran 'Propping Up' Syria, Says Hague -- SKY News
"Iran and Hezbollah propping up Syria," UK Foreign Secretary William Hague -- Al Bawaba
Iran, Hezbollah Increasing Support For Assad: Britain -- Reuters
Hezbollah Role in Syria Highlights Widening of Conflict -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Iran and Hezbollah Support for Syria Complicates Peace-Talk Strategy -- New York Times

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