Friday, May 24, 2013

The IRS Scandal Continues To Grow In The U.S.

Coburn: Constituents Linking IRS Audits To Mitt Romney Donations -- The Hill

Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) said Thursday his constituents have suggested they were audited by the Internal Revenue Service because they donated to Mitt Romney's 2012 presidential campaign.

Coburn made the charge during an interview on MSNBC. [WATCH VIDEO]

"What I would tell you, is our whistleblower side is lit up," Coburn said Thursday on the news channel. "And I got a phone call yesterday and one of the things I want to know is, everybody that contributed to Romney, I want to know what their audit rate was because the indications out of Oklahoma are right now is if you happened to be a conservative and wealthy and gave to Romney, you had an audit where you'd never gotten an audit before.

"And so there are a lot of questions that still have to be answered," Coburn said. "Maybe that's untrue but that's certainly the implication from people that are calling me from Oklahoma."

Read more ....

Update: IRS official on leave refused to resign, says GOP senator -- FOX News

My Comment: As I had mentioned last week ... of all the scandals hitting Washington this is the big one. The IRS impacts everyone .... and if it has been politicized to target one political group .... it should send a chill through everyone. Because IRS officials are refusing to testify and/or giving answers that are insult to the intelligence of those who are watching them .... it is a given that a special prosecutor will need to be appointed. My prediction .... in the next few weeks a Special Prosecutor will be appointed .... and I suspect that we are going to be shocked with what he will find.

Update #1: Lawrence Kudlow nails it right.

Update #2: The main stream media continues to be AWOl on this story.

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