Monday, May 27, 2013

US Observes Memorial Day

Soldiers salute as "Taps" is played during a military funeral nearby as they were placing flags on graves at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, May 23, 2013.

US Observes Memorial Day To Honor War Dead -- Voice of America

U.S. President Barack Obama will honor the country's war dead with an address Monday, as the United States observes its annual Memorial Day.

The president will take part in a wreath-laying ceremony before his speech at Arlington National Cemetery, just outside Washington, where soldiers have placed American flags on more than 260,000 graves.

Obama and his wife, Michelle, will also host a breakfast at the White House with families of fallen soldiers.

Obama used his weekly radio address Saturday to pay tribute to U.S. service members, saying Monday's national holiday is a time to remember those who died so that Americans "could know peace and live in freedom."

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WNU Editor: WNU will be honoring America's war dead throughout the day with tribute videos and news reports.

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